Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Hi ya'll, just wanted to post a quick update so that you didn't wonder where we are at and if we changed our minds about church planting. Things have been so busy in the past couple of weeks that we have had to be purposeful in the last couple of days about getting into some quiet time and really take in and praise God for the doors that are opening up to us.

First, the training and mentorship is off to a great start with our new church Westside Baptist. Phil Young the Senior Associate Pastor has taken us under his wing and is providing both nuggets of Godly wisdom and ample opportunities for hands-on experience with outreach driven ministries. Chuck and I have been put in charge of the First Impressions Ministry at the church. The purpose of this ministry is to provide a warm, welcoming, and helpful experience to families and individuals who are visiting the church for the first time. The staff is particularly interested in our input and suggestions from the point of view of being new to the church ourselves. This is a perfect ministry for us to be involved with as it will give us great insight and experience that we can translate to our new church plant.

Secondly, the bullseye on the location of the church plant is starting to become much clearer. We now feel with most certainty the God is calling us to plant in Gainesville, Florida. We even have our hearts and eyes on a particular neighborhood there. Unless God changes our minds in a big and unexpected way, we feel settled about Gainesville being the place. Like Chuck stated in his blog, we don't want to get ahead of God so we are holding out on sharing some of the specific details until further doors start to open.

We need and appreciate your prayers. Here are some things you can pray with us about.

Pray that Scott and Harmon families will receive wisdom and direction from the Lord in how we can best serve to further the Kingdom.

Pray that through the process of mentorship and ministry work with the church, that Chuck and I will develop a standard of servant hood and love that will be translated to the church plant and the people that we will minister to.

Pray specifically that the hearts of the people we are being called to serve will even today start being prepared and softened for our arrival.

Pray that God will open doors and make very clear the specifics of when, where, and how we are to proceed with the Church Plant.

Pray for our two families that provisions will be met as we seek to find ways to start cutting ties in our current locations and prepare to move into the community we will serve. Many logistical things will need to be accomplished such as selling our home, kids changing schools, adjustments with jobs, etc.

Pray that God will give YOU the heart to consider us, the Scotts, and this new church plant in your daily prayer life. 

We encourage your comments and thoughts here on the blog as we continue keeping you posted on this God-Adventure. Create a free blogger account ----->>> over there to the right of your page and "follow us" so that we know who all is checking up and praying for us. Some of you have left comments on Facebook and this is good too.

With Love and Respect,

The Harmons.

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