Sunday, January 16, 2011


Hello all, I realize it has been quite a while since we posted our last update. Between the hectic holidays and the time sensitive jobs that have been coming in at work, we have managed to neglect our poor little blog.

Our Christmas and New Year's was wonderful and we have started off 2011 with great anticipation for what the Lord has in store for us this year.

Today we are encouraged by Psalm 130:5-6 - I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.

Like the watchmen in this passage waiting for daybreak so that they can leave their post, we are eagerly awaiting for the Lord to light our path as we continue to seek His will for our family.

It is often said that God answers our prayers in one of 3 ways. Yes, no, and wait. But the important thing is that he hears EVERY prayer and answers every one of them. Our answer thus far has been "wait", yet we feel a stirring in our hearts that tells us that this waiting is only for a short season.

Waiting on God is never wasted time. God's timing is always perfect and in the time of waiting He develops us and strengthens our reliance on Him.

We are still in prayer for our friends the Scott Family as they move forward with plans to plant a church in Gainesville. The Scotts have secured a home and have begun the process of kindling relationships with those in their neighborhood.  Our hearts have not changed in regards to this particular church plant; however we have been encouraged by some friends, mentors, and very wise men of God, to look into the possibility of going to Bible College before committing to a higher level of ministry.

While certainly not a requirement to serve in ministry, we have been counseled to consider the many benefits that extend beyond just the education that come from spending time at Bible College. Some of these benefits include exposure to aspects of several types of different ministries, networking and building friendships with like-minded families, and opportunities for mentorship from some very wise and Godly folks that will last a life time.

To this point, we have not felt a strong calling this path, but in order to fully seek God's will, I (Alan) have made plans to go visit at least one Bible College. On Tuesday January 18th, I will be taking a day trip to Graceville, Florida (Just north of Panama City and just south of Dothan, AL.) to visit the Baptist College of Florida. Please pray with us that God's plan for us will be CLEARLY impressed upon me during this visit. If I do indeed sense a call in this direction, I will schedule a follow up visit to the school in which Maria and I will go together and seek to confirm the calling.

Whether it is to go to school, move into church planting, or something else, we know that God wants our feet moving. He has called us out of our comfort zone as spectators and has specific plans for us as participants in the Kingdom workforce. We wait for answers not with frustration, but with Joy knowing that in His word we hope.

- The Harmons

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