Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Tonight after we returned home from eating out and having ice cream dessert for my mother-in-law's birthday, we had a family church time here at home. We had great discussion with the kids about what they felt was happing in regards to all of this church planting stuff. Their answers were remarkably on target and it is apparent that God has given them an understanding and excitement for the church planting vision.

We reinforced with them the idea that this is a "family together" mission and that they play a just as important role in the ministry. We talked about how in ministry, just like other things in life, that in order to be successful we must train and practice. In our walk with Jesus, this preparation consists of praying, studying, and being on guard against sinful and selfish behaviors that inhibit us from having a loving and caring spirit. We also had a brief introduction to the Gospel and discussed why it is so important for us to know about Jesus and be able to tell the good news to others. We closed our discussion with talk about how these small and intimate times together are good practice for what is to come, as it is very likely that our church plant will start with some small in-home groups.

Thanks for continuing to check in on our blog. Your comments are always welcome and your prayers are felt and appreciated.

The Harmons

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